Franchi Seeds Giant San Marzano Tomato 'Redorta' (A) Solanum Lycopersicum L. Now: £3.99 MSRP: Was: *Heritage Variety*T7 - A huge regional plum tomato used for cooking, named after a mountain in Berga…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Gillyflower - Violacciocca Now: £2.59 MSRP: Was: A scented stock Mattiola Incana. This is a bienniel variety to be sown in the autumn.Recommended for…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart GL Dente di leone - Dandelion medicinal range Now: £3.29 MSRP: Was: ORIGIN: Taraxacum officinale, commonly called Dandelion, is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows …
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Goji Berries Now: £3.99 MSRP: Was: GOJI Berries are a SUPERFOOD alright and as I recently found out, they are also very expensive …
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Golden mushroom Ideal for Indoor Gardening Now: £8.99 MSRP: Was: *Heritage Variety*Pleurotus Cornucopiae or Golden Mushroom in English, a cousin of the Oyster mushro…
Franchi Seeds Sorry this item is out of stock Gomphrena globosa Now: £2.59 MSRP: Was: Multi coloured annual plant about 40cm tall. Easy to cultivate, it produces lots of different colour…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Green manure Clover incarnate 100g box Now: £3.19 MSRP: Was: Recommended as a green mature in its capacity of being able to fix nitrogen and being able to add or…
Franchi Seeds Sorry this item is out of stock Green Manure mix Now: £3.19 MSRP: Was: Thos box contains a mixture of 5 different green manure varieties used to suppress weeds, fix nitrog…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Green Manure Radish Rafano Now: £3.19 MSRP: Was: This is a vigorous plant which develops well. Radish as a green manure is especially recommended aga…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Gypsophila elegans pink & white mix Now: £2.59 MSRP: Was: GYPSOPHILA ELEGANS PINK & WHITE MIX Biennial traditionally used in bouquets and highly decorativ…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Gypsophila elegans white Now: £1.99 MSRP: Was: GYPSOPHILA ELEGANS WHITE Biennial traditionally used in bouquets and highly decorative. S…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Hamburg Parsley Root Parsley Berliner - Endangered variety* Now: £2.99 MSRP: Was: This variety is on the Slow Food 'Ark of Taste' and thus is endangered. By using Franchi seeds you a…
Franchi Seeds Sorry this item is out of stock Haricot Cocco Bianco Dwarf French Bean box Now: £4.99 MSRP: Was: Haricot Cocco Bianco Dwarf French Bean box This late climbing variety is essentially a dwarf french …
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Hollyhock althea rossa doppia Now: £2.59 MSRP: Was: Popular cottage garden annual flower. Online only.Recommended for bordersHeight: 150cmApproximate se…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Honesty Flower Lunaria Now: £2.59 MSRP: Was: Known in Italy as Lunaria o Moneta del Papa (the Pope's money because he is not allowed to carry any…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Iberis multicolor Now: £2.59 MSRP: Was: Annual plant 40cm tall. Plant in a sunny position for blooms all summer. Ideal for borders and cutti…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Iceberg Lettuce Regina dei ghiacci/Reine De Glace Now: £2.99 MSRP: Was: L15 - Regina delle Ghiacciole: Queen of the Ice or, as we call em in English, Iceberg lettuces. They…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Instant Herb Pot Garden Seed Mat Now: £4.99 MSRP: Was: These clever little paper disks are impregnated with seeds and are simply positioned in your 10cm pl…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Isoppo - Hyssop Now: £3.29 MSRP: Was: ORIGIN: Herb Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiacea…
Franchi Seeds Add to Cart Kohl Rabi Of Vienna White Now: £1.99 MSRP: Was: V30 - White variety from Austria and a very easy to grow and popular vegetable. Can be eaten raw or …