Eden Project Tuscan Misticanza Salad Mix - Lactuca sativa

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Product Description

One pack of this delicious mix of the very best Tuscany lettuce makes the equivalent of up to 40 salad bags. Lettuce was originally cultivated by the ancient Egyptians. First a wild plant, it was initially grown for its seed oil then for its leaves.  It was soon after taken up by the Greeks and Romans who called it lactuca meaning milky (because of its white latex). Dress with Tuscan olive oil and red wine vinegar for an authentic Tuscan salad. Delicious with Italian tomatoes or a piece of freshly grilled fish and a glass of wine.

Annual: Sow from April to September, 1cm deep. Stagger the sowing, a pinch in a pot or row in the vegetable plot every month. Cut it and it will grow back again 2 or 3 times. Have 2 pots or rows on the go, one you are growing and one you are eating.

Approximate seed quantity: @6400 / 8g