Eden Project Mixed Mediterranean Carrots - Daucus carota

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Product Description

The carrot is considered to be one of the holy trinity of Italian cooking (onion, celery and carrot). Jaune de Doubs is a yellow carrot once used to feed livestock, but now prized for its flavour. The orange carrot was bred in the 17th century by the Dutch to celebrate their King of Orange, while purple carrots have existed in Italy and Spain since the 12th century. They are still cultivated today in Puglia, Italy. Try Mediterranean carrots roasted with Moroccan spices or with honey. Young ones, pulled  when thinning rows, are delicious in salads or used as sticks in dips.

Annual: Sow direct in well-dug and raked ground,1cm deep, from February to July. Be careful not to crush the foliage when weeding, as the smell will attract carrot root fly. Some plant rows of onions or garlic each side of the carrots to keep off the root fly, which tunnels through the roots. Alternatively cover with light garden fleece once they are growing.
Horticultural name: Daucus Carota

Approximate seed quantity: @2550 / 3g

Partnership plant: Chard, Chicory, Lettuce, Pea, Tomato,
Leek, Radish, Spinach.

What to sow after: Cucumber, Chicory, Bean, Endive, Lettuce, 
Melon, Pea, Radish, Courgette.


  • 3
    Eden Project Mixed Mediterranean Carrots

    Posted by Robert Peel on 21st Jul 2020

    The seeds germinate OK and grow well in pots - but where are the purple carrots? There should be yellow, orange and purple carrots and the picture on the packet shows equal numbers of each. However, I have now harvested 100 carrots and found just one purple carrot. The rest are orange and yellow in roughly equal numbers. The grandchildren are disappointed and, actually, so am I.