Eden Project Courgette ‘Striato D'Italia’ Cucurbita pepo

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Product Description

*Was £2.99* This highly prized and productive zucchini variety often produces over 5kg of stripy fruits per plant. The fruits are full of flavour, and if left on the plant make great marrows too. Courgette flowers are often eaten in Italy. They are delicious. Flowers should be picked in the morning (probably before an insect takes up residence).  The female flowers can be picked with courgette attached and stuffed. The male (with long stalk) and female flowers can also simply be battered and fried then dusted with Parmesan cheese, but some say they are at their best simply thrown into an omelette or frittata.

Annual: Sow seeds in spring and early summer 2cm deep, in pots of seed compost. Bring on early sowings indoors. Plant out after risk of frost has passed, one metre apart, in well-manured ground in a sunny spot. Seed can also be sown directly outside in early June.  Plant 3 seeds and take out the two weaker ones as they grow.

Approximate seed quantity: @40 / 8g


  • 5
    Courgette Striato di Napoli

    Posted by Mary Ellis on 2nd Aug 2021

    Amazing strong plants. Love the colour of the courgettes, delicious flavour. Highly recommended