Product Description
British Elephant Garlic - Allium ampeloprasum - was £11.49, save £2
Grows a massive bulb which is related to leek so has a milder taste. Traditionally roasted. Sow in Autumn. Very large cloves, 5 cloves. Really good quality stuff this year as we've changed our supplier. Produced in the southern England.
Elephant garlic
Very good quality
Elephant Garlic
Most when mouldy and could plant up this year. Was very disappointed, as this was the first time I had tried this type of garlic.
Elephant garlic
We ordered some elephant garlic on the recommendation of a friend, we had never heard of it before or the company seeds of Italy but we were so impressed by them both. The garlic is planted and we can't wait to see how they turn out. Great value also. We will be using seeds of Italy again.
Elephant garlic bulbs
I'd seen Monty Don plant up this kind of garlic on Gardeners' World and thought I'd have a got myself. The bulbs went in a month or so back and already the shoots are a centimetre above the soil in my raised beds and growing well. I can't vouch for the flavour yet, obviously but look forward to sampling them.