Product Description
T10 - Recommended By Raimond Blanc (Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons) on BBC Gardeners World 20/04/07. "Superb tasting and fleshy" - Joy Larkcom, The Guardian Weekend 15/03/03. 'Ox Heart' beef tomato, so called because of its size and shape. A lovely slicing tomato due to its meaty flesh, and few seeds. Unbeatable in salads or with slices of fresh Mozzarella and basil Genovese. Indeterminate.
Fruits weight: up to 150-180g
Growing habit: Indeterminate (cordon)
Approximate seeds quantity:@390
Sow: from February to April
Variety: Indoor
Cuor di Bue
I grow these every year and they don't disappoint. Great for sauces and freezing.
I also brought theses tomatoes last year and were fantastic hence the repeat order
Cuor di Bue Pomodoro
Germination very good from end March sowing. Resulting plants all healthy looking and doing well at end of May. Looking forward to tasting the fruits!
Cuor Di Bue
My favorite tomato. Not the easiest in a wet climate but worth it. Gorgeous fruit with a superb taste.
Cuor di Bue
Very characterful and rewarding tomato but need a very sunny spot to do well, or you may have to wait patiently until the end of the season! The seeds usually germinate succesfully and you will be rewarded with a lovely flavour however the tomatoes are used.
Cuor Di Bue tomaotoes
We've been growing these tomatoes in the greenhouse for several years now, with great success - 100% germination, string growth, heavy yield and a terrific tasting tomato to cook (sauce is fabulous!) or eat raw. Despite the usual 100% germination rate, the seedlings didn't do well when they were potted on. We think the compost we bought from a local garden centre might well have been last year's stock. However, the plants have made a spectacular recovery after an Epsom salts foliar spray and are growing very well in gro-bags now - phew, tomato emergency averted!!!