Amato Giant Pitted Greek Olives in Brine 900g

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Product Description

Amato Giant Pitted Greek Olives in Brine 900g

Ingredients: Pitted green olives, water,salt, citric acid.

Allergy:  possible trace of lupins and celery. It may contain traces of pits or part of them.

Once open keep refrigerated.

Net Weight: 900g   /    Drained Weight: 500g

Informazione Nutrizionale ​​per 100 g /of Product Nutritional ​​for 100 g
Energia/Energy KJ 703 – Kcal 168

Proteine/Protein 0,7g

Carboidrati/Carbohydrate 1,0g

di Cui i Zuccheri/of Which Sugars 0,0g

Grassi/Fat 19,6g

di Cui Acidi Grassi Saturati/of Which Saturated 4,0g

Sale/Salt  1,9g